METTLE Weekly Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 23


Volume 4 Issue 23

Monday 15 June 2009

Hippolite Musings


Thought for the Day


Thank you to the many who sent messages of condolences.

Mum had been in a rest home, suffering from dementia, for the past 18 months.  Her passing was sudden but not unexpected.

It was a wonderful three day tangi, with many marvellous stories and songs shared.  I saw my five siblings together for the first time in a long time.




Received this letter from a friend:

This year is both the bi-centenary year Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary year of the publication of the On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Darwin’s book caused the discussion about the interface of empirical science and Christian faith to take a sharply combative turn.

Inasmuch as the matter of origins remains an ongoing concern with which Christians, in our socio-cultural context, must consider, I am writing to you to inform you, and those to whom you minister, about the Consortium’s colloquium entitled "God and Darwin: Theology in Evolution". The colloquium will explore and discuss the issues involved as they are 150 years on. Consequently, the colloquium will reflect a range of faithful Christian responses as stimulus for further consideration. I’m sure that those to whom you minister would benefit from the stimulus and trust that you will commend participation in the colloquium to them.

The talks to be given are:

  • Faith, Reason and Scientific Method
    Sean Devine (Victoria University of Wellington)
  • An analysis of the Darwinian religious debate: its history, terminologies, ideologies and options
    Nicola Hoggard Creegan (Laidlaw-Carey Graduate School)
  • Human evolution: how random process might fulfil divine purpose
    Graeme Finlay (University of Auckland, School of Medical Sciences)
  • The doctrine of Creation in Scripture and its implications for humanity today
    Dennis Gordon (NIWA)

When: Saturday 4 July, 2009, 9:30am to 5:00pm

Where: Lecture Theatre 1, Rutherford House, VUW Pipitea Campus, Featherston Street, Wellington

Cost: Waged – $50; Unwaged – $30 (Morning & Afternoon tea provided, BYO Lunch)

For further information and registration, contact Garth Steven at Booth College of Mission: (04) 5288628 extn 745, PO Box 40-542, Upper Hutt 5140

As I told my friend, sounds a bit too liberal for my liking.  Theistic evolutionism is not creationism.

Foreign Correspondent

From Chuck Missler’s K-House News Desk

  • Conservatives Gain In European Parliament Elections – June 09, 2009
    Europe was leaning to the right ahead of European Parliament elections Sunday, with voters in many countries favouring conservative parties against a backdrop of economic crisis. High unemployment across Europe has increased voter dissatisfaction with mainstream national parties, and scepticism over the EU’s power to help spur recovery. AP
  • Hezbollah Loses in Lebanon Elections – June 09, 2009
    The ruling pro-Western alliance managed to win in Lebanese parliamentary elections this weekend, much to the relief of Washington. "Sanity prevailed," a senior administration official said Sunday night. "Hey, look on the bright side, boys!" Andrew Exum, a Lebanon expert at the Centre for a New American Security wrote of Hezbollah. "Now you don’t have to govern. It’s a lot easier to be in the opposition if you’re Hezbollah. You still keep your arms, and there is less pressure from the outside." In other words, despite relieving election results, the US and Israel still need to keep a close watch on Hezbollah. The New
  • Supreme Court Won’t Hear Challenge To Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – June 09, 2009
    The US Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a case challenging the "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" policy for gays in the military. Prior to 1993, when "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" was implemented, homosexuals were completely banned from the military. Since 1993, gays and lesbians can only be dismissed if they are open about their same-sex attraction. Homosexual activist groups are waiting for President Obama to fulfil campaign promises to promote even more openness for gays in the military, but the White House has put that agenda on the back burner for now. AP
  • US Journalists In North Korean Prisons – June 09, 2009
    While starvation, vicious beatings, torture, and public executions are the normal fare in North Korean work camps, the American journalists who were recently given 12-year sentences will most likely not be treated as badly as normal prisoners. North Korea cannot afford to let American journalists describe the true conditions of its prison camps, and with world eyes on the situation, the two journalists cannot just be buried. Still, even with better treatment, Laura Ling and Euna are in for no picnic. Time
  • Five Questions for Sotomayor – June 09, 2009
    Unless we want confirmation processes to continue focusing on pot smoking, illegal-immigrant nannies, and the like, senators from both parties should ask probing questions that can cut through the "that case may come before me" clutter and actually shed light on Judge Sotomayor’s judicial philosophy. Here are five. Cato Institute
  • New Hampshire Passes Gay Marriage Bill – June 06, 2009
    New Hampshire’s Democratic-controlled House of Representatives endorsed gay marriage in a 198-176 vote, hours after the state Senate approved the legislation 14-10 along party lines, making the state the fourth this year to back gay marriage in the United States. Governor John Lynch, a Democrat, signed the bill, which goes into effect on January 1. Reuters

Situation Vacant

Family First Fund Raiser

Will be responsible for helping to raise $50,000 funds to assist with the campaign to overthrow the Anti-Smacking Law.  For further information:

  • Website
  • Downloadable brochures translated in different languages
  • Video footage of one very high profile NZ’ers and lots of other quotes
  • Twitter and blog is already happening
  • Facebook is also
  • Billboards and newspaper ads being worked on as we speak

Our twitter has almost 200 followers and has been only running for about 3 weeks
The yesvoters have been going for almost 2 months and have 135!!

It’s all about timing.

The public awareness is very high yesterday and today but will die down for a couple of weeks until voters start receiving the actual voting papers.


Bob McCoskrie JP

Why I’m An AGW Critic

Anecdotal Evidence

Because SH2 (Rimutaka Hill Road) to Masterton was closed tonight by snow and I couldn’t play squash interclub, that’s why.

And yes, I am aware that “they” have renamed Global Warming to be Climate Change because “they” know we aren’t fooled by GW anymore, and CC is sufficiently vague to mean everything and nothing.

Sunday Service

I wasn’t there

I was attending and presenting at a Dot Net Code Camp at Whitireia Polytechnic.  This was a voluntary contribution to my “geek” community (therefore not “work” for any of my legally-minded friends).  For full report see my Microsoft Sync Framework presentation.

Why I Am A Creationist

Latest Materialist Nonsense

In her recent paper, The Non-epistemology of Intelligent Design: Its Implications for Public Policy, evolutionary philosopher Barbara Forrest states that science must be restricted to natural phenomena. In its investigations, science must restrict itself to a naturalistic methodology, where explanations must be strictly naturalistic, dealing with phenomena that are strictly natural. Aside from rare exceptions this is the consensus position of evolutionists. And in typical fashion, Forrest uses this criteria to exclude origins explanations that allow for the supernatural. Only evolutionary explanations, in one form or another, are allowed.

Why I Am A Christian

My mother was an exo-biogenesist

That’s a big word meaning, “we know we can’t prove Evolution occurred here, but the Universe is such a massive place, and so very old, that it must have taken place somewhere else, and then seeded here.”  Richard Dawkins similarly falls into this position.

The bad news is, this merely moves the problem of the impossibly large improbabilities of chance mutation from this earth to some other hypothetical planet.  This can neither be tested nor proved.

The really bad news is, it’s still rebellion against God.

Why I Am Pro-Life

From Friday Fax

  • Feisty Timor Leste Bucks Abortion Lobby, Upholds Right to Life
    (NEW YORK – C-FAM)  The parliament of East Timor – a small, Catholic nation in South East Asia recognized as an independent state in 2002 – has resisted concerted pressure from United Nations agencies and pro-abortion non-governmental organizations (NGOs) by enacting a revised penal law that continues to criminalize abortion in virtually all cases. With last week’s 45 to 0 vote with only 7 abstentions on the main operative paragraph, parliament retained penal sanctions on abortion, except in instances where abortion is the "only way" to prevent death to the mother as attested to by three independent physicians. A preamble paragraph states that life "from the moment of conception" is entitled to protection.
  • UN Comes One Step Closer to Creating New Women’s Super Agency
    (NEW YORK – C-FAM)  At United Nations (UN) headquarters this week, member states moved another step closer to setting up a new women’s "super-agency." Last month, nations had pushed back when UN staff insisted governments approve a new office without providing details on its budget, structure, staffing, or mandate. At this week’s meeting, Member States were presented with a "consolidated response" paper from the UN Secretariat which detailed the staffing and cost projections of a new UN "gender entity." 

Why I Am A Homeschooler


That’s a starfish attached to Tane’s hand

We visited the Marine Education Centre Open Day.  This was open to all members of the public, so not really a home-schooling activity.  But our mentality is that learning takes place anywhere, anytime; so Fiona is always aware of these community events and we make it a priority to attend them.

Wellington Home School Science Fair

I assisted my three children to prepare for their first Science Fair:

  • Tane’s project was called “Colour Confusion” where he tested 16 people by mixing 3 artificial colourings with 3 artificial flavourings to see whether they could guess the correct flavour.  He prepared a statistical report of his findings.
  • Hamish’s project was called “I’m Dying to Find Out” where he mixed natural dyes from vegetables.  His hypothesis was that Red Cabbage would make the strongest dye, because it was so colourful.  He also tested some orange berries, coffee and green tea.
  • Aimee’s project was called “Yeast Balloon” where she used yeast in a bottle to blow up a balloon, thus proving that yeast with sugar creates carbon dioxide.

Why I Am Pro-Israel

Islam Propaganda vs. 100 Shalom

A few days after the “Obama speech”, Israel, an Island of history, culture, beauty, is still standing in an “ocean” of hate.

I particularly enjoyed the first video about “Pepsi”, this guy looks to be so sure of himself… And that’s what made me smile, with virulent enemies like this one; I see real hope for Israel…

Enjoy the videos!

Here are the latest headlines from the One Jerusalem Blog:

  • Chaos In Iran: What Does It Mean To U.S. and Israel:  Iran’s official election results, the re-election of President Ahmadinejad, has caused thousands of Iranians to take to the streets. For reports on the street demonstrations see here and here.One Jerusalem has been in touch with experienced Iranian reporters who are…
  • Are Jews Encouraging Arab Only Sections of Jerusalem?:  Over the years, Jerusalem has been at the core of every dispute between Israel and its neighbours, From the founding of the Jewish State in 1948 until the war in 1967 Israeli Jews and Christians were barred from the Old City…
  • Jerusalem Is At The Heart of Zionism:  Today, in a speech to a small group of Israel supporters, Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs, Moshe Yaalon repeated the words of a Palestinian leader who spoke approvingly of the two-state formula because once Israel gets out of Jerusalem "the…


NZ Correction Referendum: Vote Yes? No!

Renton Maclachlan conducts an in-depth and enlightening interview with Dennis Morris-Traveler, spokesperson for the Yes vote campaign.

Book Review





Duh, Jonah?


A prophet is sent to warn some people.  He rebels and runs away.  He is sent back. He warns them.  They repent.  Disaster is averted.  Prophet is annoyed, because he really hated those people.  God sorts him out.


Four chapters; nice easy read.


Anyone got a problem with a man surviving three days in the belly of a whale?  (Yes, I know the Bible uses the term fish, but I don’t automatically assume that the taxonomy of the Bible is the same as the taxonomy of 21st century man.)  There is a Hebrew school of thought that Jonah actually did die (and go down into the depths) and was resurrected, thus rendering a more complete pre-announcement of the death and resurrection after 3 days of Jesus Christ.

Good morality tale of the love of God for all sinners.  Pity Nineveh didn’t stay the course.  They rebelled again a few kings later.


Video Review


Hello James,

Understanding Creation and Evidences for Creation

I mentioned to you yesterday [7th June] morning at Church the subject video cassettes I have.  They are two sets of five hours each, of Kenneth Copeland interviewing Carl Baugh, Ph.D., recorded in the early 90’s.  Carl Baugh is the Director of Creation Evidences Museum in Glen Rose, Texas.

Carl is dedicated to researching, excavating and displaying scientific evidence for creation.  He starts with the Word of God as the absolute truth, and then looks at science to see what part of the theories are true.

I’ve watched these at least three times and, from Understanding Creation, learnt rich solid truths concerning:

  • creation vs evolution
  • the uniqueness and splendour of the universe
  • dinosaurs, the flood and the fall of man
  • the original, meaningful purpose of mankind, and much more.

From Evidences:

  • a panoramic study of the entire creation model
  • multiple proofs as to why evolution does not hold water
  • how beautifully God orchestrated the universe – all for the benefit of man
  • a scientific explanation, and evidence, of ‘Job’s dragon’
  • the effect of the great flood, how an ice age can occur in about 300 years
  • the formation of the ice caps
  • how the earth expanded at the flood
  • the effects of the magnetic field on living creatures and how it is slowly decaying, and much more

Some highlights [which I hope may whet your appetite to view these] for me, and I’m working off memory here as it’s a while since I’ve watched them:

  • A Russian with a double doctorate [quantum ? and applied maths] who, as an atheist happened to see Carl’s television programme during a teaching visit to a US university circa 1990.  He was one of about eight similarly qualified scientists resident in the eastern bloc countries at that time, and was intrigued enough to reduce the earth to a mathematical formula.  It took eight pages, which he had peer-reviewed by his colleagues, who could not fault his analysis but made it very clear that they did not like his result: that the earth is no older than 10K years and no younger than 6k years!  From this experience the Russian [who confessed he’d studied most religions] knew he had to find out more about the creator of the earth [and universe] and from his study became a Christian.
  • Carl details how God created a perfect world, and by including the elements of uranium and plutonium constructed a perfect thermo-nuclear self-sustaining environment for His created creatures, man and the animals including dinosaurs. The firmament was a cryogenic layer of hydrogen [about 70 miles high] which at that temperature forms a very thin metallic layer which filtered out harmful rays, kept the earth in an ideal environmental state to promote growth without the need for rain, formed an atmosphere which was about twice the pressure we now have which was the reason for mankind living long lives with good health.  It also sustained dinosaurs who have a very small lung structure – the reason they died out was because the drop of atmospheric pressure when the flood occurred and caused the firmament to break up, meant they couldn’t survive.  He talks about the flood at which time most fossils were formed – they can only ‘happen’ when ‘things’ are suddenly buried.  Road-kill animals left on our roads soon disappear due to preying birds, action of the sun and elements; they do not fossilise!
  • The firmament also acted like a crystal radio.  It picked up the ‘music’ from the stars [see Job 38:7].  Scientists have recently detected signals from outer space which appear similar to music – the Bible told us this way back.
  • A fascinating anecdote from the US Navy academy where the students had to make a model boat to be tested in a large vat which could simulate force 10 sea states and wind.  The only one that stayed afloat was an exact model of the Ark – interesting.
  • An analysis of some of God’s creation including why the bumble bee can fly, the amazing fire-fly and how it works, why glow-worms glow, and much more.

Am happy to loan you the DVD’s I’ve had copied from the original VCR tapes.  The info in/on these really opens one’s mind to what God did [recorded in the Bible] much of  which Carl has authenticated from discoveries of ‘stuff’ found in/on the earth, and insightful research and analysis.

Kind regards,

Bible Reading


Week to 21 June 2009

  1. Amos 7:1 – 9:15
  2. 2 Kings 15:1 – 15:38; 2 Chronicles 26:1 – 27:9
  3. Hosea 1:1 – 4:19
  4. Hosea 5:1 – 9:9
  5. Hosea 9:10 – 14:9
  6. 2 Kings 16:1 – 17:41; 2 Chronicles 28:1 – 28:27
  7. 2 Kings 18:1 – 20:21

Week to 28 June 2009

  1. 2 Chronicles 29:1 – 31:1
  2. 2 Chronicles 31:2 – 32:33
  3. Isaiah 1:1 – 4:1
  4. Isaiah 4:2 – 6:13
  5. Isaiah 7:1 – 10:19
  6. Isaiah 10:20 – 14:23
  7. Isaiah 14:24 – 18:7

Don’t forget you can look up these references for yourselves at:

End Notes

  • METTLE is an acronym for Men’s Evangelical Team Together for Learning Experiences. We are primarily Christian businessmen from Wellington, who meet occasionally in the CBD to encourage each other in our daily walk with Jesus. This Weekly Collaborative Blog (WCB) is our primary means of communication.  If you know of anyone who may benefit from this WCB, you are welcome to forward them along. Similarly, if your circumstances are such that membership in this distribution list is no longer relevant, then hit reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE to have it removed.
  • If you choose to respond to any item raised in this WCB, please indicate clearly which items you wish to remain Private, as any correspondence may be considered Public and could be published.
  • If this fortnight’s newsletter has been of benefit to you, why not drop a line and say so.  Or better yet, visit the TVORNZ website to read past issues and add a comment!
  • Published by The Voice of Reason, New Zealand, copyright (C) 2009

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